
Made over in America


Content Production Cinema




The filmmakers of  MADE OVER IN AMERICA
Bernadette Wegenstein & Geoffrey Alan Rhodes


Gabi Trinkaus (Courtesy Galerie Georg Kargl, Vienna)


Gerry Miller (Production Management)
Glenn Bristol (Timelapse Technology, Editing)

:: Background information

Made Over in America is a filmic foray into the cultural complex surrounding America’s fascination with surgical makeover. Bringing together an often funny, sometimes touching array of voices, Johns Hopkins University researcher and MIT Press author Bernadette Wegenstein and experimental filmmaker Geoffrey Alan Rhodes join forces to explore the contradictory and at times anxious motives of the producers and consumers of American makeover culture. From their journey emerges a profound question: what have our bodies and our selves become in an age of seemingly limitless transformation?

[source: http://madeoverinamerica.com]

:: idea / Task / content

MOTIONLAB was assigned to do a Timelapse movie for the documentary “MADE OVER IN AMERICA”. In cooperation with the Vienna based artist GABI TRINKAUS, MOTIONLAB recorded the very special creation process of one of Gabi Trinkaus’ keen portrait collages using Timelapse technology. Cutouts of the movie and the shots themselves were then used as fillers in the documentary.

Gabi cuts out images or part of images from glossy lifestyle magazines & arrange them in new way to create her big portraits.