Live Performance
Österr. Sporthilfe
Flowmotion Dance Company
Gerry Hahn (Conception, Story, Art Direction)
Sabine Korlath (Conception, Story)
Rene Vidra (3D Animation)
Markus Weilguny (3D Animation)
Marco Hnelozub (3D Animation)
Jackie Pirron (3D Rendering)
Andreas Holzinger (Postproduction, Motion Graphics)
Audio Device (Sound Design)
Performer: Flow Berger
:: Background information
Die LOTTERIEN-GALA „Nacht des Sports“ war wieder der gesellschaftliche Höhepunkt des Sportjahres. Rund 1500 Menschen im ausverkauften Austria Center Vienna machten die Gala zu einem rauschenden Fest, das alle Facetten enthielt, die man sich wünscht: Glanzvolle Momente, berührende Augenblicke und dramatische Entscheidungen.
MOTIONLAB was assigned to create an unique and impressive multimedia performance for the Austrian Sports Award (“Gala Nacht des Sports”) 2014. The very special about: this event was broadcasted live on television by the ORF at primetime!
We had to present the 3 nominees and the winner of the category “Rookie of the year” (“Aufsteiger des Jahres”) in a creative and impressive way. This is what we came up with: one performer on stage with massive visual orchestration in the background and perfect sound-design. If these different layers come together, you can create such unique experiences.
Over 1.500 people at the event and approx 350.000 TV watchers have seen this exciting show! We are very proud and want to thank all our supporters and partners, who make that possible!
30th OCTOBER 2014 / LIVE ON ORF1 / 20:15 !!!!